A Perfect Mess is here for you!

“Major” music news outlets over the past few days have illustrated that they are more interested in click-bait articles based on controversial ideas, “artists” (and I used that term loosely), and their questionable actions than telling you what is actually going on, new, and worthy of your ears in music.

My health forced me to slow my work with my blog and I genuinely had not realized how much I needed it…and apparently so did everyone else. What in the world are these journalists writing about? They are not concerned with promoting good music, getting people out for live music, or helping grow the scenes we have loved to be a part of and given so much of ourselves to. They want clicks. That has NEVER been what I was all about in my work, and I just remembered why.

This has reinvigorated the hell out of me. A Perfect Mess is back in full swing starting today with an album review of what is new from Lotus, tour announcements from Magic Beans, and some local NYC area show announcements.

If you have news, send my way.


A Perfect Mess has never been here for the clicks.

We are here for the music, the scene, and the vibe.

And tacos.

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